
Am I on too many medications?

I’ve been going to a doctor for treating my baldness. They prescribed me finasteride, some pills, some shampoo and asked me to test for vitamin D deficiency( I was deficient and prescribed me vitamin D pills). Next time I went to the doctor they asked me undergo Biotine PRP for each month for 4 months. Both meds prescribed so far and biotine PRP didn’t seem to work. So my doc prescribed more finasteride, some other pills and some kind of solution that I was supposed to apply on my scalp. Those too didn’t work. Then they gave me 5% minoxidil and 0.1% finasteride topical solution and it worked! My baldness is almost gone. My question is why did my doc prescribe me all the meds that didn’t work? Where they trying to see which one would work the best for me or were they trying to make some extra money for their clinic?

If you have a relationship with a doctor, ask him this question. Be bold and direct! Remember, your doctor works for you, and that is why you are paying him for his advice. 

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info https://ift.tt/Kt9zscr
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